Friday, September 30, 2005


Double redundant triple digression, or what matters least....

Say, isn't Slim Pickens somewhere in South Carolina?? or is that Liberty Valance?? Anyway, I digress. I tried to think the other day but nothing happened. Good thing it occurred to me that there is true parity in the NFL. Here three weeks into the season and all teams are still within 3 gamesof the league lead with no real standouts or surprises. I think it is symptomatic of the parity when you have a team that is coming off a bye week with .500 winning perecentage is in first place. Don't bother, it won't help. It is a sad state of affairs when both your favourite college team and pro team have their bye week on the same week. Well at least we get to watch UM lose to State this week. Go Green. Say what do you think the Indians chances of making the playoffs??? They are tied with Boston for the wild card. If the Yanks sweep, the Tribe has at least a one game playoff in Boston, even if the Pale hose sweep em this weekend. If the Bombers win two of three, the Wahoos needs at least one win to make it thru the weekend. Lets say the Bosox take 2 of three from the Yanks and tie for the East Crown. Then the Teepee Warriors need 2 of three to wait to play the loser of the AL east playoff for a wild card playoff. If it is Boston they play in Boston or they host NY. Lets say the Bosox sweep the Yanks. Then the Tribe needs one win to tie the Yanks for the wild card and have a one game playoff in Cleveland on Monday. So if the tribe wins 2 of 3 they assure themselves of at least a playoff to make the playoffs. Got it?? Anyways. I must be off. Have a nice weekend and IDYBT...

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