Friday, March 17, 2006


Adult Bible Class

You know it occurred to me that the one thing I really have gotten hooked on is the Sunday morning adult Bible class. Adult Bible class does not sound very exciting but it is one of the few times I actually get fed any meat.

I got rehooked when I started reattending toward the end of Revelation. Now Tom is going through Acts very meticulously. I like that. I don't want to be rushed through a study. He is an annointed and gifted teacher and it is a real pleasure to watch and listen to him do something he is very good at.

Last week we were studying Acts chapter 5. Tom was discussing Ananias and Sapphira and their deceipt of the Lord. Those of you who attend know I sit in my assigned seat next to Doc "". Doc turned to me and asked me if he should ask Tom if after the Lord struck them dead if they would go to Heaven. (Yes sometimes Doc does ask my opinion or advice on things). I told Doc "no, don't ask the question because we could get the answer wrong and be humiliated by not knowing the right answer. So he actually listened to me and Doc did not ask the question.

Apparently Doc was on message as not a minute passed and Tom asked, "Do you think that Ananias and Sapphira went to Heaven?". Both Doc and I let out a loud groan as we had just been discussing that same question. (Some times we are a disruption to the class, I know you find that hard to believe).

I for one thought to myself that the answer would be no. They turned from God. I think this question has struck a chord, however. I know at least two other people who also think the answer is no, and these are two strong mature Christians. Apparently that is not the correct answer. We were given an assignment to read Romans chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 or so and that we will digress from our study of Acts to delve deeper into the question of Salvation. Does this mean once saved always saved? I have read recently in so many places in the Bible that God chooses you or if you turn from Him He will turn from you. I know it is in the Old Testament but I also find some verbage about this in Romans 9 also. I think I read this in either Exodus, Leviticus or Numbers because I have just started into Deuteronomy. If anyone can point me to the verse in the Pentateuch (or maybe Ezekiel) I would be grateful.

Anyways, ( as they say round these parts), I plan to be there Sunday. I have done my homework a couple of times and look forward to more meat. I hope after Tom finishes Acts he goes right on into Romans. I wish I could attend the Friday night class that has been studying Romans but I have previous committments... I hope you can be there too, class starts at 9:40 am. Well, I must be off...

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