Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Everything I needed to know I learned in Vocation Bible School...

You know I tried to think once, but nothing happened. I found this on the fridge this morning and I was wondering how many bloggers you can name???

Also, we started Vacation Bible school last night and I have a question for you. Why did the chaplain name is daughter Allison Catherine???

Like mother like daughter. Some women will just exhaust themselves trying on shoes!!!

What are you doing working? I thought you went to see you daughter and G-kids. Looks like you have been teaching the kids to blog. Be Blessed.
you got me, dep, and quatro intermangled...
I don't see the antipudge anywhere and what about the mud puppy? You are training them nicely though! Good Job! BBT
MUD is there as well as XPUDGE...
Got to teach those silly kids how to spell right. BBT
Well here is a hint. There are 10 bloggers. I still have no answer to the other question..
Pudge, Mudpuppy, Superman, Klover, Olegirl, sassyc, kodiak, me, wow, tortikat, J (aka bald to the bone still love that one), Jamie, Bruiser, Mr Amy, Ms Amy, huh?
is that his wife's name?
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