Thursday, July 14, 2005


Things that occurred to me on my summer vacation...

Well, I tried to think once but nothing happened. Good thing that things occur to me. Well I made it back just fine, rolled in about 2 am this morning. You know you have to have a positive attitude to enjoy a 14 hour trip. I was blessed in the am by Abby as she said "I don't want Pappy to go!". And her mother said, well we will have to do something about that!! I am so blessed by my family. Despite all the things I have done wrong, to be blessed by my family in this way can only be the work of God's hand.

After several attempts to get on a direct flight, or get an exit row seat (also referred to as Jim's First Class Seating), a nice man at Delta got me moved into a bulkhead seat for the 3+ hour flight from PHX to the ATL. I decided to see what movie was playing and they showed FEVER PITCH. If you know me there is nothing like a good sports movie to get my tears flowing. You know if I need a good cry I know can add FEVER PITCH to MAJOR LEAGUE as two of the movies that can really turn on my faucets. Oh and one other movie that turned on the faucets yesterday is "A Snoodle's Tale". I am going to have to purchase that video real soon. I was also blessed at the ATL when attempting to puchase some M&M's, I was paid double with two packs for the price of one!!! Now that is a true blessing!!!

Well I purchased Joel Osteen's book, "Your Best Life Now", particularily for my sister Susie. I thought it might help put things in a different perspective for her. I of course had to read it before I could give it to her and I like his stuff anyway. I finished it on the flight back last night and I would recommend it for anyone. In fact I have several others I plan to give this book to. Powerful stuff. So I am reading the book when I get to Tucson and Martha says, Oh you have to listen to this CD I have from Joel Osteen on "The Blessing". Go figure.

Two things God put on my heart during the trip.

1. Vacation Bible School - I am going to look into the possibility of doing this.. not next summer, but this summer. All we need is a place, volunteers, curriculum and kids. The school they held at the chapel at DM ran from 6 pm to 8:30. Hmmmmm. Let's see what God has to say about this..

2. Childrens Worship. According to the Starting High Definition Churches,, the only ministry a new church need in their first year that we do not have in place yet at NewSong is a Sunday Morning Childrens Worship. Let's see what God has to say about this too.

Well, being back there are a couple things I need to do today, several I want to do, and a few that I could do so I should do the right thing and get on with it. Need to use this day for God's purposes. So I must be off...

Jimmy, I agree with you on both points. Let me know what I can do if we decide to try for a VBS this year. BBT
It's great to have you back. It's always sad to see a loved one go home. I know you were a blessing to your grandchildren. Will you be at the church picnic on Saturday? I understand DEP might bring his BHG.
On that note the BHG is a go for Saturday. Transportation services are being provided by Pastor's, Inc. BBT
Jimster, you can add coming out to Tate Park tonight to your adjenda...welcome back!
VBS...I know a place :)
oh yea...welcome home Jim, you were missed !!!!
ok...for my 3rd weigh in...BHG = big huge grill??? big honkin grill??? big hillbilly grill???blessed hog giller??? help me out here!
WG...You do?? That would be great..Why thanks, I missed all of you too, can't tell you how much. And yes, Big Honkin' Grill..
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