Saturday, July 09, 2005
Things you learn from a 2 year old...
You know it occurred to me that maybe I am taking too many pictures. Nope, not possible. Anyways, the girls came down from playing last night and asked me if I would take their picture. The light was not quite right but as you can see they are a couple of hams. All the things I need to learn I can learn from a 2 year old. I should listen more carefully when she says no. She has great wisdom.
I learned something about coffee today too!! My wise and noble son-in-law had the foresight to install a automatic water filter in their new refrigerator and boy does that improve the taste of the coffee over the tap water here!!!. Yesterday I made Starbucks breakfast blend with the tap water and is tasted kind of like stump water. Tasted like the coffee Doc and I had at Bob Evans a few months ago. My lovely daughter told me yesterday to use the filtered water but no!!!I would not listen. Well after the stumpwater incident yesterday I used the filtered water today and the results were incredible!!!Guess filtering is something on the list for the Yearsin household. Maybe a reverse osmosis system or something practical like that.
Abby gave me a tour of the boneyard on Kolb Road. Oh Pappy, there are Phantoms, there are the Tankers, Hogs and the Tomcats. She wants to be a helicopter pilot and Mary Kay consultant like her Mommy and Daddy. She wants to go to bible study like her Momma, too..
Well for me I am starting to look more like a Pappy every day. Like my new hat??? Only 8 bucks at Penneys. 60% off how could you refuse. Not sure what lessons I will learn today, but one thing for sure you are going to hear about them, like it or not. So BBT, BBH, BBF....I declare you all Blessed!!
I must be off..
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Jimmy, you are so blessed, I am glad for you being able to spend some time w/ the family. I will miss you tomorrow at worship though. GBY
Will miss you tomorrow too. Will it be a Catholic church tomorrow for you??? You can find the Lord anywhere.
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