Tuesday, November 29, 2005
In Search of Truth (Part 2) or Life is Football...
Football has been described as 100,000+ people desperately needing excercise watching 22 people desperately needing rest. If you were watching Ohio State in the 50's, 60's and 70's, many times a game you would watch the fullback run the ball right up the middle. Three yards and a cloud of dust, Woody would call it. Its an utterly simple play. The fullback takes the ball and runs up the middle with all his might. His blockers get in front of him to clear the way and all eleven players on the defense move toward the fullback and do everything in their power to tackle him. The opposing players are all impediments to the fullback, who is trying to score. Each impediment could tackle the fullback, but if the play unfolds as planned, the blockers remove the impediments and the fullback will score. Statistically this does not happen often as the runner is tackled. The impediments work! Only if all the blockers, the coach, the trainers and all involved pull together can the impediment be removed and the goal achieved. Just as the fullback faces impediments to score, so do we face impediments as we strive for our goal of a full, healthy and productive life. Conflict is an impediment, as is the tendency to disconnect from those who can help you.
We need connection from trusted friends, who will be honest and objective while loving and caring for us. We move towards God because we know He loves and cares for us. We move towards family and friends, hoping for support and love they provide, We move towards friends, who care for and support us as we deal with painful issues.
So who are your friends?? Who'se your buddy? Take some time and list three of your friends. Why is this friend valuable to you?
Proverbs 18:24 (New Living Translation) There are "friends" who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.
You need to solve the mysteries that surround your hurt. The guilt, the shame, the anger, the rage, the anxiety or the fear you feel are impediments that can prevent us from doing the work that God as called us to do. Do the work to find the answers to your mysteries and don't let anyone tell you it is destructive.
So here is part 2...
11. What are your five greatest strengths? Write them down and ask your closest friends to tell you what they think they are.
12. What are your five greatest weaknesses? Write them down and ask your closest friends to tell you what they think they are.
13. What have you done to misuse your strengths? Have you been a good steward or have you wasted them?
14. What have you done to use your strengths well? Ask your friends where they have seen you use your strengths well.
15. What have you done to correct or work on your weaknesses?
16. What could you do to work on them? Make a list.
17. What could you do to make restitution to those you have hurt?
18. Who could help you walk through a path of forgiveness toward those who have hurt you?
19. Write down a plan to contact those you have hurt, begin to contact them if it would not cause greater damage and take notes on the things they tell you about yourself as you discuss the past.
20. Ask someone to be your partner in truth. Ask the person to help you discover the truth about yourself and motivate you to continue to work on the areas that need help.
On June 12, 1987, President Reagan made a speech that helped contribute to the downfall of the Soviet Union. He spoke directly to the premier and said, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
This is what we need to say to one another. Select one friend who loves you, will keep your confidence and is committed to help you become the person God intended you to be. Ask them to give you honest feedback and let them know you can handle the truth. Everyone needs at least one person in their life who will always love them and tell them truth.
The impediments need to be thrown off. Do it before it is too late. Do it before there are more broken hearts and broken relationships. Don't buy into the big lie that "It does no good to look back or look inside."
We need connection from trusted friends, who will be honest and objective while loving and caring for us. We move towards God because we know He loves and cares for us. We move towards family and friends, hoping for support and love they provide, We move towards friends, who care for and support us as we deal with painful issues.
So who are your friends?? Who'se your buddy? Take some time and list three of your friends. Why is this friend valuable to you?
Proverbs 18:24 (New Living Translation) There are "friends" who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.
You need to solve the mysteries that surround your hurt. The guilt, the shame, the anger, the rage, the anxiety or the fear you feel are impediments that can prevent us from doing the work that God as called us to do. Do the work to find the answers to your mysteries and don't let anyone tell you it is destructive.
So here is part 2...
11. What are your five greatest strengths? Write them down and ask your closest friends to tell you what they think they are.
12. What are your five greatest weaknesses? Write them down and ask your closest friends to tell you what they think they are.
13. What have you done to misuse your strengths? Have you been a good steward or have you wasted them?
14. What have you done to use your strengths well? Ask your friends where they have seen you use your strengths well.
15. What have you done to correct or work on your weaknesses?
16. What could you do to work on them? Make a list.
17. What could you do to make restitution to those you have hurt?
18. Who could help you walk through a path of forgiveness toward those who have hurt you?
19. Write down a plan to contact those you have hurt, begin to contact them if it would not cause greater damage and take notes on the things they tell you about yourself as you discuss the past.
20. Ask someone to be your partner in truth. Ask the person to help you discover the truth about yourself and motivate you to continue to work on the areas that need help.
On June 12, 1987, President Reagan made a speech that helped contribute to the downfall of the Soviet Union. He spoke directly to the premier and said, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
This is what we need to say to one another. Select one friend who loves you, will keep your confidence and is committed to help you become the person God intended you to be. Ask them to give you honest feedback and let them know you can handle the truth. Everyone needs at least one person in their life who will always love them and tell them truth.
The impediments need to be thrown off. Do it before it is too late. Do it before there are more broken hearts and broken relationships. Don't buy into the big lie that "It does no good to look back or look inside."